Magasin Sarahmond Designs
Langue English (English)
Abonné(s) 2 abonné(s).
Pays Nigeria
Ville Oke aro

SARAHMOND DESIGNS is a timeless fashion brand based in Lagos, the beating nerve of Nigeria, and is committed to dressing men and women with quality designs that are internationally competitive. We believe in all things bold, contemporary and refined. We strive for excellence in our designs and cater for a particular customer that appreciates quality.

We make ready to wear, custom wears and sell fabrics that do not disappoint. Our fabrics are very lush and are of excellent quality. We also save you the stress of outsourcing your fabrics by yourself, everything can be delivered to you at your doorstep. We also can successfully style you whether as a female or a male.

SARAHMOND DESIGNS is proudly local but also international at heart that is why our products and services are admired by people from different walks of life and different part of the world. Our vibrant prints and designs are the evidence of that.

At SARAHMOND DESIGNS we put in our very best, from our colours, to our quality, to our texture, to our choice of styles and designs which are multifunctional styles. At SARAHMOND DESIGNS we are never monotonous.

The goal of SARAHMOND DESIGNS is to add more beauty to your already beautiful looks while making you feel like the special person you are meant to be. Our products and services are carefully conceived to meet your needs as well as your wants.

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