Vendeur OLOOH
Magasin OLOOH
Langue Français (French)
Abonné(s) 1 abonné(s).
Pays Côte d'Ivoire
Ville Abidjan

Founded in 2018, OLOOH is the sartorial and lifestyle tale of a 21st century artist from Ivory Coast.  Olooh means our in Senufo language and echoes Kader Diaby’s approach to creativity. Using fashion as a loudspeaker, he interprets his country’s untold stories and translates his personal experiences, observations and fascination for Abidjan youth culture. With each collection, the brand seeks to explore identity through innovative, well-constructed and timeless menswear pieces. At the heart of OLOOH is not solely an obvious nod to heritage. There is also a will to search for smarter ways to connect and create within our communities and that everybody else could resonate with.

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